how to tell when steak is done

How to Tell When Steak Is Done? (without cutting or guessing)

How do you like your steak? Medium? Medium-well? Rare? Do you want to know how to tell when steak is done without cutting it up? Are you tired of guessing if steak is done? I will show you an easy and accurate way to tell when steak is done without having to cut it up and without guessing. This method will also tell you the doneness of the steak. 

Video on How to Tell When Steak is Done

How to Use a Food Thermometer to Tell When Steak is Done

First, you need a food thermometer. Your food thermometer will tell when your steak is done. There are many types of food thermometers. I like the digital food thermometers because it gives a more accurate reading. 

Using a food thermometer is an accurate way to tell when steak is done. Simply insert the metal probe of your food thermometer into the thickest part of the meat. Don’t insert all the way through. Insert the food thermometer sideways, at an angle.

According to USDA, steak is done when the internal temperature reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit. When your steak reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit, the doneness of the steak is medium-well. 

How to Tell When Steak is Rare?

Using a food thermometer, if you want the steak to be rare, the internal temperature should be 125 degrees Fahrenheit. 

How to Tell When Steak is Medium-Rare?

For medium-rare steaks, the internal temperature should be 130 to 135 degrees Fahrenheit. 

How to Tell When Steak is Medium?

Medium steaks should reach an internal temperature of 135 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. 

How to Tell When Steak is Medium-Well?

Medium-well steaks should have an internal temperature of 140 to 150 degrees fahrenheit.

How to Tell When Steak is Well-Done?

Well-done steaks are cooked to at least 155 degrees fahrenheit.

How to Let Your Steak Rest Before Serving

It’s so easy to tell when steak is done. Just make sure to let your steak rest for 5-7 minutes before serving. That means, leaving your steak alone. Don’t slice it, don’t drizzle sauce on it, don’t touch it- just let your steak and leave it alone. Letting your steak rest will maximize the flavor of your steak since you will allow residual internal cooking in the meat which makes your steak really tasty.

Steak Temperature Chart:

Steak DonenessInternal Temperature (F)
Rare125 F
Medium Rare130-135 F
Medium135-140 F
Medium-Well140-150 F
Welll-Donegreater than 155 F
Table with Steak Temperature
steak temperature chart
Steak Temperature Chart

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