Best Frying Pan for Eggs ( We tested 7 Pans!)
Want to know what the best frying pan is for eggs? I tested 7 different types of frying pans to see which is the best frying pan for eggs. I tested a variety of frying pans from stainless steel to ceramic pans to non-stick teflon pans to Hexclad pan. Check out my video below to see how I tested the frying pans.

Watch the Video of Best Frying Pan for Eggs
Non-Stick T-Fal Pan
First, I tested out my non-stick T-Fal pan. T-Fal is coated with Teflon. You are probably aware of health concerns with using non-stick Teflon pans. Over time, the Teflon coating flakes off. This becomes dangerous because you’ll end up eating toxic Teflon chemicals. Also, if you heat it up above 350 Fahrenheit, Teflon begins to release polymer fumes which can cause cancer.
From personal experience no matter how well you take care of your Teflon pan, it always gets scratched up. I personally love the convenience of having a non-stick Teflon pan but the moment I see a scratch on my pan’s Teflon coating, I stop using the pan. I replace it with a new Teflon pan. The problem is it can get expensive because I’ve had some years where I had to replace my Teflon pans 2-3 times in one year!
Results: Cooking Eggs in T-Fal Pan
T-Fal pans are great pans for frying eggs. My T-Fal pan is a year old and the non-stick is still holding up. The egg looks good and nothing got stuck on the non-stick surface.
Green Pan Ceramic Pan
Next, I tested out my Green Pan non-stick ceramic frying pan. Ceramic pans are supposed to be safer than Teflon since the ceramic coating is non-toxic. And ceramic pans can take higher temperatures than Teflon pans.

Results: Cooking Eggs in Green Pan Ceramic Pan
Ceramic Pans are not ideal for frying eggs. I really wanted Ceramic pans to work out but unfortunately, it’s not non-stick on eggs. The egg is stuck on the Green Pan Frying pan. Know that my ceramic pan is not brand new, it’s probably 2 years old. So the non-stick coating has worn off a bit but I do know even when my ceramic pan was fairly new, the non-stick coating didn’t really work that well. I had such high hopes for ceramic pans, so disappointing.
Hexclad Pan
Next, I tested out my brand-new Hexclad pan. I got the Hexclad pan for Christmas and this is probably the second time I’m using this pan. Hexclad is a non-stick pan. The bottom is a non-stick coating, then it’s layered with hexagon steel ridges. These hexagon steel ridges protect the non-stick surface. Hexclad is also made of an aluminum core which will result in even heating. I heard good things about Hexclad so I really wanted it to work out.

Results: Cooking Eggs in Hexclad Pan
Unfortunately, Hexclad pans are not good when it comes to cooking eggs. Hexclad pans are not non-stick on eggs. The egg is stuck on the Hexclad pan! The non-stick does not work! I’m really surprised since it’s a brand-new pan and the non-stick doesn’t really work on eggs. I’m disappointed!
The Rock Frying Pan
Next, I tested out The Rock frying pan. Like the Hexclad pan, this is a brand new pan I got for Christmas, and it’s probably the 3rd time I’m using The Rock pan. The Rock uses a Rock.Tec technology is supposed to be three times better than traditional non-stick pans. The Rock Frying Pan contains PTFE which is what it’s in Teflon.
Results: Cooking Eggs in The Rock Frying Pan
The Rock frying pan is great when it comes to cooking eggs. Like the T-Fal pan, the Rock is non-stick with eggs. The egg looks great and it slides right out of the pan. Of course, keep in mind this is a brand new non-stick pan which means it is performing at its best and the non-stick ability will diminish over time.
Calphalon Non-Stick Pan
Next, I tested out my Calphalon Non-stick pan. This is an older pan, I’ve had this for a few years so know that the non-stick has diminished quite a bit. Also, since this is an older pan, it doesn’t have the mineral shield non-stick coating the new Calphalon non-stick pans have. Anyways, I figured I’ll just test out my Calphalon pan so I can see the performance of an old non-stick pan.
Results: Cooking Eggs in Calphalon Non-Stick Pan
As expected, since this is an old Calphalon pan, the egg is sticking to the pan. The non-stick has worn off. If this was a brand new Calphalon pan, the non-stick would have worked well but unfortunately, when it comes to non-stick pans, the non-stick surface will inevitably wear off!
You are probably wondering why I haven’t thrown away this pan, I like Calphalon pans because it is hefty. I feel it’s wasteful to throw away but maybe it is time to get rid of my Calphalon pan!
Zyliss Non-Stick Pan
Next, I tested out my Zyliss non-stick pan. Similar to my Calphalon, my Zyliss pan is older, it’s a few years old so I expect the non-stick to have worn off quite a bit. Zyliss pans are PFOA free pans with ceramic coating. You can technically use metal utensils on it, but I don’t.

Results: Cooking Eggs in Zyliss Non-Stick Pan
As expected, the non-stick surface no longer works since this is an older Zyliss Non-Stick Pan. The egg is sticking to the Zyliss Non-stick pan. The non-stick has worn off. It’s time for me to throw away this pan!
All Clad Stainless Steel Pan
Next, I tested out my stainless steel All Clad pan. This pan is not non-stick, but if you are looking for the safest option, All Clad pans are the best because it’s stainless steel and not coated with non-stick chemicals. Of course, the downside is it’s not non-stick. However, if you are willing to sacrifice the food presentation and you are willing to do the pan cleanup then this is not a bad option for you because it is safer than the non-stick pans.

Results: Cooking Eggs in All Clad Stainless Steel Pan
As expected, the egg is stuck on the All Clad stainless steel pan. And the egg looks really bad. Cleaning all clad pans is actually not too difficult if you know what you’re doing.
Best Pan for Frying Eggs
So what are the best and worst pans for frying eggs? The best pans for frying eggs are the non-stick pans- T-Fal and The Rock! Of course, these pans have to be fairly new, if they are older pans like the Calphalon or Zyliss, then the non-stick will no longer work on eggs.
Worst Pan for Frying Eggs
The worst pans for frying eggs are the All Clad and Hexclad pan. The All Clad is stainless steel, for sure the eggs will stick to the pan. However, if you prioritize safety, All Clad is the safest pan for frying eggs because it is truly non-toxic. The Hexclad, although they claim is non-stick, it’s actually not non-stick for eggs. With Hexclad pans, the eggs will stick to the pan.
What Pan do I use to Cook Eggs?
So what do I personally use for cooking eggs? I normally use my T-Fal but now that I have a brand new The Rock pan, I now reach for The Rock. It’s because both are non-stick. However, I’m not tied to T-Fal or The Rock. Once the non-stick surface of my T-Fal or The Rock starts to fail, I’ll have to go out and buy another non-stick pan and that’s what I’ll be using to cook my eggs.